I realize that it's already a month and a half into 2014 but this year has proven itself to be crazy and overwhelming.
Do you make New Year's Resolutions? I don't in the sense that I resolve to do anything differently. That just sets me up for disappointment.
I do, however, analyze the past year and what I'd like to see out of this year.
Honestly, I had a plan for posts I was going to do. I had intended to write about the ups and downs of 2013 and then I was going to start 2014 by doing a series of posts that can improve your life. I read a lot of self-help books. I was going to encourage you in housecleaning, being single, being married, dealing with finances, etc.
Like I said, though, 2014 has already proven itself to be crazy.
For this post, I'd like to tell you about January. I don't think I'll get to February yet because even though we're only two weeks into it, it also has been overwhelming.
I'm hoping to share all that with you at another time AND still do the other posts I was intending to do.
For now, let's talk about January...
During the holidays, my husband's grandpa wasn't doing well. He wasn't eating, kept running a high temp and was just weak. He had been in and out of the hospital for weeks. We had received word that they were hoping he'd get strong enough to make a trip up to the Mayo Clinic to find out what's going on. A lot of honestly didn't think he'd get strong enough.
He did, though, and they found his stomach full of infection and was diagnosed with lymphoma. He was 89 years old and too weak to think about doing chemo or anything like that. The family buckled down to see him pass away.
He was transported back here. The doctors weren't sure he was going to make the trip.
But he surprised us again and made the trip.
He went straight to hospice though. He still wasn't eating or anything so it was just a matter of time. The weekend he got back we were there by his side almost the entire time. My husband was very close to this grandpa and it's been very hard on him.
His grandpa, again, lasted longer than expected.
He lasted through the whole next week. We went up again on Saturday with our boys. Even though Grandpa wasn't able to ever respond, we would talk to him and tell him who was there to visit. Occasionally he'd open his eyes although we don't know if he was really seeing.
We were spending our days on edge. When the phone would ring, we'd tighten up and just expect it to be "The Call". It's was a very long and trying time on everyone.
Every time we'd go visit, we'd treat it as if he wasn't going to make it through the night. So when we'd say goodbye we treated it as if it was truly goodbye. My husband would break down every time we got back into the van. I don't know if it's possible to ever feel so drained.
Eleven days after he got to hospice, we did get a call saying his breathing had changed. Being an hour away, my husband and I started to wrap up our jobs so that we could get there as soon as possible.
Only 20 minutes after we arrived, Nate's grandpa passed away.
I was so thankful that we made it.
After so many days of thinking he wasn't going to last long, I think most of us felt a sense of relief along with our grief.
It's hard to have someone close to us pass away. There's times like this where we literally watch them die and then there's some that are a surprise and catch us off guard.
Having dealt with both scenerios, I know that both are VERY hard.
They have their blessings but they also have their difficulties.
We always say that death is a part of life. We know that it's going to happen but we don't live like it will. I wish I had really listened to more of my grandparents' stories. I wish I would have cherished my moments with them a little more. After a death, it's easier to remember to do that with the ones still with us. But it always seems like a matter of time before I go back to taking my time with people for granted.
Another death we never seem to think about is our own. Not like the actual dying but the death.
Do you live as if life is short? Do you always assume you'll wake up the next morning or reach the destination to where you're driving? I'm not saying go skydiving because it's on your bucket list. We do have a sense of responsibility to expect to be here longer... like having a job, paying bills, etc. But we also need to consider the question... What if?
What about eternity? Are you truly ready to die?
God sent His son to die for us. Most people understand that.
But do you realize that you have to make a personal profession of faith in Him? If you believe, you'll have eternal life. It can't be just head-knowledge belief. It has to be in your heart. And if you truly believe that you need Jesus to go to heaven, then your life will show it. You should be so grateful for what He did for you that you give your whole life to Him.
No one is good enough to go to heaven. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. We all need Jesus. Have you surrendered your life to Him? If you believe that Jesus died for you and that you need Him to get to heaven (you can't get there on your own), then He will take you there.
I want you to know that even though none of us are good enough to get to heaven on our own, NO ONE is too bad for heaven either. It doesn't matter what you've done in the past. Confess it all to Jesus and turn from your sins. He promises to take you. If you doubt this or still think you're "too bad" for God to love, please email me. I have many Biblical examples I could share with you.
In fact if you have any questions concerning what I'm talking about at all, please email me. It's an important thing to understand.
Dealing with death is hard but I'd love it if you would consider your own.
Are you ready?