I don't have a lot to share at this point but I wanted to update you.
Yesterday was my much anticipated Dr. appointment.
It went pretty well. My husband and I really liked the guy and feel like he's going to pursue things until we figure out the problem.
The Dr. took more blood for a couple more tests. The one he took for blood clots came back negative so that's good. The other test is for something called Farmers' Lungs. I won't get those results for a week or so.
He also wants to send me to a specialist. He thinks it's crazy that I'm "young and healthy" and yet have this very obvious problem.
There were other tests he thought about doing but wants to wait to see what the specialist does.
When I was talking to him, he was thinking I'd get in to the specialist in the next week or two.
As I was driving home, the specialist's office called my house and left a message with my mom. I can't get in until August 14th!!
I called the specialist and they put me on the cancellation list. That means if someone cancels, they'll call me but I live an hour away. I basically need to be ready to go if they call.
I, then, called my Dr back and told him.
Today my Dr. called and said that he talked to the specialist office and they're hoping that I can get in next week. He said that if I don't hear from them by Wednesday, I'm to call him back and he'll call them.
It's so nice to have a doctor working for me!!
We're praying I can get in next week!
Trying to function on this 'stand-by' mode is difficult, especially with my job, but we want to get this figured out!
We're planning on going on vacation at the end of the month. I really want to be working on the solution before then. If I go as I am, I'll be worn out and tired for most of the trip. I'll also probably be in more pain as I'll have to be more active.
The inhaler is helping the cough but not stopping the pain and pressure. The Dr. told me to keep doing it.
Our other prayer is finances. We know that God always has and always will provide as far as finances. We pray about it constantly still asking Him for His continued provision.
It's hard having test after test knowing that each one rules out something but also costs so much. I also have to miss work for appointments or not feeling well. I miss work; I don't get paid.
We also have our younger son's birthday this month and our vacation planned.
God will provide somehow. We know that.
We pray for His guidance, wisdom and comfort.
I also wanted to share with you that I did ask about some specific things I have heard from others. He doesn't think it could be Lyme disease, anxiety or really allergy. We explored the allergy option a little but he's just not thinking it's the answer. Hopefully we'll know more after I see the specialist.
God has all the timing of every appointment, treatment and even our vacation in His hands.
Even when I can only see what's going on right now, He sees the future.
I'm thankful that I can leave all my worries and concerns with Him.
He always does what's best for us even when we can't figure it out.
Thanks for praying for me and please, continue to do so. :)
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