Tuesday, January 2, 2018


What's a resolution?

Well... let's start with what it means to Resolve something.
To resolve can be to decide on a course of action or to find a solution to a problem.

Therefore, a resolution would be... 
1. a firm decision to do or not to do something or 
2. the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter


Wow. I can't believe it.


We all know that 2017 was not a good year for me.
My family and those closest to me know that 2016 wasn't all that great either.

We are not that far into 2018 but I know it's not going to be easy... not going to start easy anyway.
My car insurance funds for my hip are exhausted. This is just in time for me to start seeing an orthopedic specialist. All the tests I know they're going to take are going to go through health insurance and out of pocket. I'm trying to rest in my security in God. (If you haven't read it... Stop here and go read my post entitled Security. It has to do with my termination from my job shortly after coming back from our car wreck. You'll understand how it applies.)

No matter what a year looks like, people often talk of New Year's Resolutions.

So let's talk about this resolution thing for a moment. Let's start with where it even came from.

According to my research, the Babylonians are said to be the first. They would make promises to the gods to pay their debts. If they did, favor would be shown. If not... then I guess we don't want to know?

Seems a little different than our resolutions. As much as I'd love to have my financial debts paid this year, it's not likely and I don't want to find out what the opposite side of the Babylonians' gods' favor was for them.

Later, some Romans (around the time of Julius Caesar) offered sacrifices to gods and made promises for the upcoming year.

In 1740, John Wesley, the Founder of Methodism, created a service that was held on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. 
I'm going to be honest and haven't paid attention to whether our local churches (specifically Methodist in this case) still hold this meeting. New Year's Eve was a Sunday this year so it's hard to tell. I'm curious to ask my aunt and uncle about it.

These meetings included scripture readings, singing hymns and then praying in the new year while making resolutions for it. Other denominations have done similar services or similar ideas as well.

Some times our chapel gets together on New Year's Eve but we spend the evening playing games and just being together. Then as the clock approaches midnight, we pray in the New Year together. If I think back and analyze the prayers, I'm sure there's resolutions in there. We just don't use that word and don't purposely make promises to God like the Romans or Babylonians did. 

Now, people mostly don't make resolutions to God at all; they just make resolutions in general. Mostly to themselves AND less than 10% of people are successful with their resolutions.
(just something to think about... for those of you who do lent... are you able to keep whatever you choose to sacrifice during that time period? and yet can't keep a resolution? what do you think the difference is? I don't do lent so we can get into all that a different time. Probably closer to Easter. Just something to ponder about why you can keep lent but not a resolution.)

When I lead youth group, I would have the kids write a letter as if writing to themselves. I would have them write different things they'd like to accomplish over the next year. I didn't call it resolutions. I would keep the letters and then mail them to them in July. I never read theirs but I always did it myself and found it interesting.

I didn't call it resolutions for two reasons.
1. I didn't want them to write it like... I want to lose weight. I want to eat healthy. I want to get good grades.
2. When people hear "resolutions".. it's like they hear the word rules and the phrase Rules are Made to be Broken. I wanted them to write about something that they wouldn't break.

You're probably asking yourself "what's your point, Amanda?"

"Who really cares about resolutions?"

Well, I have a new outlook on resolutions. Recently I've been working on something with God. It's a personal something that I am not able to disclose at this time but maybe in the future. 
In this I needed to resolve something... I needed to solve a problem and set my mind to it. 

I think making resolutions are a good thing. You don't have to do it. It's not a matter of life or death and it is not going to affect eternity. 
But my personal outlook on them has changed, I have found that it's good to try to make some positive changes.

Okay.... What did I say Resolutions were?

A FIRM decision to do or not to do something.
If you're going to make resolutions, be serious about them. Make them something firm. If I want to lose weight, I can't just make that statement. I need to have a FIRM plan of action. A realistic, achievable one.
And guess what!
Just because January 1st is gone. Or Monday is gone. Doesn't mean it can't happen! No one says it HAS to start then.
Something else to remember... missing one day doesn't mean you failed. It means you missed one day. Pick up where you left off. This goes for any resolution. 

I'm a list maker. Other than some firm decisions I've made to do on a daily basis. I have some bigger projects or long term goals for the year. I'm going to put those on a list somewhere so I can't forget about them. I'll make it so it'll keep me motivated.

That's part of what that letter I had the youth group write was supposed to do. When they opened it in July, they were supposed to be encouraged by seeing where they've come or be motivated by remembering what they were wanting to accomplish.

I want to address the second part of the definition of Resolution or Resolve.
"the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter"

I think this could be bigger than any other resolution. Are there problems or disputes or contentious matters out there that need to be dealt with? We don't know what 2018 holds. But I can tell you, no matter what, it'll be better without having this extra baggage. Solve these problems if at all possible.
If there is nothing you can do, then make sure that you forgive and move on.
No holding grudges.
I know it's hard! BELIEVE ME! I KNOW!

With all the things going on in the world, if everyone made THIS their resolution and stuck with it, I think we'd be functioning as a whole a lot better.

As you think about this New Year, think about what it could bring. 
What scares you? What excites you?

I've already mentioned my uncertainty of money with my medical expenses on my hip.
I've made a RESOLUTION to keep remembering He's my security. 

I'm not saying everyone HAS to make resolutions. To be honest.. this is a whole new idea to me as well. I just want us to take it a little more seriously if you're going to do it. And that doesn't mean it has to be boring stuff! Any resolution that promotes positive growth is a good one!

Examples can be...
I resolve to take life a little less seriously.
I resolve to have our family sit down for one meal together at least once a week.
I resolve to read my Bible daily.
I resolve to make sure I treat myself with something special monthly.
(These are just things that popped into my head)

Are there things you want to accomplish? Resolve to do?
Are there Resolutions that you've already made that you need to think more about?
Do you need to Resolve or make Resolutions with a problem or a dispute?

I'm going to pray for every single person who is reading this.
Yes, I'm praying for YOU!

You can keep your resolutions to yourself.. or write them down.
You can tell them to a friend to keep you accountable.
You can email me if you'd like (delightinlord13@gmail.com) or message me on Facebook.
You can make it between you and God like they originally did.

Whatever you decide, make it firm, have a plan and go for it!

Here's to 2018!!

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