Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Keeping Moving Forward

If you've read any of my last posts, you know that I'm dealing with new pain and                            more not feeling well.
Naturally as I go doctor to doctor, I compare it with my experience going to doctors                        with my headache.

Some of it is the same...
     About every other doctor has an attitude problem and no bed-side manner
     I have to answer the same questions over and over... and over!
     They want to put me on medications
     Some doctors disagree with what others have already told me to do.
     Sometimes I feel like they think I imagine my pain
     Every doctor wants me to fill out more forms no matter what records are being sent
  I'm sure there's more if I spent more time thinking about it.

But this time there have been two things very different.
 1. I'm getting into the specialists VERY fast!
 2. The door to a solution has closed yet!

Let me expound on those two points.

My last post pointed out that I was waiting to hear from the Pulmonologist. I knew I had an appointment on August 14th but I was praying I could get in sooner by someone canceling.
Well... last Tuesday I got a call that someone canceled and I could go on Wednesday if I was willing. The deal was that the breathing tests were several hours before I could see the doctor.
Of course I was willing!!!

My mom and I made a day of it.
First thing I had to do was breathing tests and get an x-ray. The breathing tests took almost an hour and were a trial in themselves. But I made it through.
We had three hours before seeing the doctor so we did some shopping and ate lunch.
The tests proved that I don't have asthma and the pulmonologist doesn't think it has to do with my lungs. So she wanted me to see a GI (gastrointestinal) specialist.
We were told it'd be a couple of weeks. 
Again, I was praying I could get in before vacation.

The next day (Thursday) I talk to the office and they can get me in on Friday!
If you've never dealt with specialists much, I can tell you that this is just unimaginable!!!
So off I was again to another specialist.

The encouragement was that the pulmonologist wasn't just passing me on because she didn't know what it was but because she thinks it has to do with my esophagus. 
So the door wasn't closed on me.. it just led to a hallway. :)

The GI specialist spent quite a bit of time with me. She asked me a lot of questions and determined that I should do a stomach scope.
Again, I was praying I could get in before vacation.

The scheduler came in and said "July 29th". 
"Nope, won't work. I'm on vacation..... Is there ANY way I can get in next week?"
"I don't think so. I just filled the last spot open."
Me praying... "Please, Lord, open one up!"
"Oh! Here's one on Thursday but you have to check in at 6:00AM. Do you drive far?"
"Yes, I'm an hour away but I'll take it because it's better than after vacation."
"Well.. let me check one more thing."
Me praying... "Please, Lord, I'm willing to get up at 4 to do this but you know my body and how that affects me....."
"Oh wow! Here's one for check in at 1:00PM. I don't know how I missed that."
"I'll take it!" "THANK YOU, LORD!!!"

It was truly amazing!

For the procedure, I have to be put to sleep so my husband will go in with me and I, again, have to take the day off of work. 
They'll go in through my mouth and go down. If my esophagus needs stretched, they'll do it. If it's an ulcer, they'll fix it. If they see things for biopsy, they'll do it then.
I'm praying they find something (because I WANT an answer for all this!) and that it's something they can fix while inside.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if I wake up feeling like my old self?
I expressed this to my "mother-hen" day care girl. 
She's one that just last week said "I wish you could exercise and dance with us again. I wish you were fun again." It made me tear up!
So when I told her that I COULD (not definite) feel better next week, she said, "We could dance to Footloose again!!"  
I pray that it's true!

I'm honestly not too worked up about the procedure itself but instead, all the rules I have to follow now. There's medications (like ibuprofen.. my best friend) that I'm not supposed to take at all. There's other ones too. Then on Thursday I can't eat after 7:00AM. 
I'm already losing sleep in anticipation for this. I know, I need to give it to God.

We have a busy weekend but I'll try to update you after the scope as soon as I'm able.

The other thing I've found out is that both specialists think the pain in my chest is a different problem. They don't think it's related to the not breathing.
They differ, however, on what they think it is. One thinks it's arthritis. The other says it's probably muscle related or a cystic breast. She wants me to go to a gynecologist to check it out.
I'm thinking along the lines of the muscle thing so I'm just making an appointment with a regular doctor. If they want me to get a mammogram, they can still set it up but if it's not, they can still treat me as they see fit. 

I know a lot of you out there are thinking and praying for me. Keep it up! 
We appreciate it very much!!

1 comment:

  1. PRaying for you! We have dealt with many endoscopies and other scopes for Connor, I always ask for the earliest appointment because it means less waking hours with no food. I pray that an answer is made evident, and that they can give you a simple fix. Connor has had his esophagus stretched several times and had no problems. YOu are so strong and I am so impressed with your attitude, don't give up!
