Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Package Deal

Three visitations and funerals in two weeks.


Three visitations and funerals in two weeks.


That was a month and a half ago. It was wearing.

There was one year we had seven deaths from the months of May to October. I remember it ended in October because the last one was on my birthday.

Deaths are always hard. I just wrote about that. 
Deaths in multiples are SUPER hard! 

Stick with me... I am going somewhere new... 

When we were waiting in line to talk to the family at the third visitation, something happened between my mom and I that I also shared with my dad and sister that were also in line. It's personal so I won't share the details. But it was one of the moments where I saw my mom slightly different. It honestly scared me.
I could see the effects of her brother's death and all the dealings that surrounded that. I could see the effects of my grandma's dementia and the constant care and thought my mom gives her. I could see the effects of the fact that her nephews and niece were hurting again so soon and dealing with so much. I could see the effects of this death being a friend she used to have games parties with. I could see so much more that she wouldn't want me to share here on a public forum. 

The biggest thing? 
I saw the effects of this world. 

The moment actually really scared me. I saw the fear in my sister's eyes as well but also wisdom. But in my dad's eyes? I saw calmness and peace. 

This world is full of sin. Full of death. Full of pain. Full of sorrow and tears.

Where was my dad finding that calm and peace? One place. 


Easter is my favorite holiday. FAV-OR-ITE.
I get into the Easter spirit like most of you get into the Christmas spirit.
Typically the whole week before, I'm celebrating.

Some may not call it 'celebrating' as much as getting into the 'spirit of the holiday' maybe?

I've done some research to focus on what Jesus did every day the week before His death. I start with the Sunday before. The Sunday many of you know as Palm Sunday. 

MY plan was to write on my blog every day that week so that you, too, could go through the week with me. That, however, was not meant to be.

That Sunday (Palm Sunday) I was sick with a horrible cough and headache. I had no energy. I seem to get this cough anytime Iowa attempts to start Spring but then Winter butts back in. With so many illnesses going around, Nate thought I should stay home and rest just in case it was more than just that cough.

From then on, my week just didn't go as planned. It was one thing after another. 

A friend and I evidently decided to go on a life rollercoaster ride together. (At least we were together)
Although influenza hasn't hit my day care, (Thankfully!) I did have some illnesses pass through with a couple kids.
My dog also decided to get sick a few times to keep things interesting.
It was a very bumpy, slightly frustrating week.
I was either on the phone, cleaning something up, or too exhausted to think.

And on Good Friday... I ended up in the ER. Yes, for real. 
I was in a lot of pain and was throwing up. No fever. No other symptoms. 
I was so sad.
This was the worst Easter week I could remember in a long time. My favorite time of year and I couldn't even celebrate.

After blood work, a CT scan, and two bags of fluids, I went home with no real diagnosis. 
I was still in pain but the nausea was gone and that was the biggest part for me. Since living with a headache for 15 years, I've developed a pretty high pain tolerance. Also, my husband is amazing when it comes to trying to help me stay calm through really intense pain. 

I ended up in bed basically all weekend. I couldn't celebrate Easter. 

My family knows I love Easter. 
My dad text me right away, first thing in the morning.
My sister text me later on.
My friend shortly after that.

Why do I love Easter and how in the world does this all connect?

We were talking about my mom. We were talking about that moment that really frightened me. The words she said. The look in her eyes. But the peace that I saw in my dad. The peace I know he was finding in God alone. There is only one reason we can have that peace... well, it's a bundle package... Kinda like internet with phone and cable. Only we aren't the ones that have to pay the price.

We know Jesus was born. We celebrate Christmas. We get that. Some.. and I want to venture to say most.. don't really understand the significance of that. God came down in human form. That's so huge! If you can't fully wrap your brain about how big that is, can you please ask me?.. I just don't want to use this at this time right now. I'm fairly certain I've written about it at Christmas time. It's important though!!! Don't get me wrong!!!

We know Jesus died. Tons and tons of people know this. Do they fully understand why and how and who Jesus is? No. I've talked to several people that don't get it. Jesus.. fully God, fully man... came into the world (Christmas) with one purpose... to die for our sins. But that's not the end. He couldn't just die and The End it's over. First off, it's not enough that He died. You need to accept Him as your personal Savior and turn your life over to Him. You need to accept the gift He has given. He paid the price of this bundle package. Take it!! It's not just something that's been done therefore assumed that you have it and now you're going to heaven. You actually have to receive it.
Again, very important! Please talk to me if you don't understand!!

Now.... Easter!! What in the world happened that makes Easter so great?

Jesus rose from the dead!!!! 

Every funeral I've been to.. no one has ever risen. And three days later.. They have never risen! (Gross!)
 Jesus conquered death! 
Jesus resurrected!!!!! 
Whoo hoo!!!!

Why is this significant? Why does this make me excited?!?
Well guess what! If this didn't happen, Jesus would be like every other god out there. Some idol that people pray to that really has no power. But Jesus (who again is fully God) has power over Death!! And by this we also can have power over death! Not death as in we may never die on this Earth. But death as in we can have Eternal Life with Him in Heaven Forever!!!! That's where we get that Peace! The Peace that no matter what happens on this Earth, we can have Peace in knowing Him and being with Him!

We are born bound for Hell.
EverySingleOne of us.
I don't care who you are.
We are all born heading there. Until...
We accept this gift. Until we understand this bundle package.

You may have been told that you were born going to heaven until you did something horrible and then going to hell. Well that is reversed.

I don't want you to just believe me because I say so. That's not good enough.
I want you to learn because the Bible says so.
I could spout out verses... I could tell you references.
But if you're confused, that may not help.

Something has really been laid on my heart. And I'm not going to lie, I actually have some of you specifically in mind. But beyond that, I'm going to pray for all of you reading this.
I want to have a Bible study with you. It's a simple one.
I can meet with you individually. It can be a group of us women. Nate and I can do the study with couples. It can be just Nate and I with one other couple.
Whatever makes you comfortable.
I'm willing.

If we're friends on Facebook, message me. If you have my number, text me.
If you're reading this and we don't really know each other, email me. delightinlord13@gmail.com

No, my mom is not near death if I left some of you wondering that. Please don't think that. In my eyes she has been so strong for so long. In my eyes she seemed like Wonder Woman where nothing was effecting her. It was a shock to my system. I saw the effects of the world. The stressful, painful effects of this world.

The truth is none of us are immortal. None of us know when our time is over.
Even if you don't want to do a Bible study. Please don't hesitate to ask me questions. Please don't hesitate to ask yourself questions or read the Bible.

I love Easter because it made all the difference in the world.

It makes Jesus the complete package deal for salvation. 

Accept the gift. 

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